In traditional theory and practice, voluntary is the foundation and core of the arbitration. 传统理论与实践都认为,自愿性是仲裁的基础和核心。
In addition, it against the tradition of voluntary arbitration legislative principles, it also deprived the people's constitutional right to seek judicial relief. 另外,劳动争议仲裁强制前置程序违背了仲裁自愿的传统仲裁立法原则,它还剥夺了不能进入仲裁程序的那部分人寻求司法救济的宪法性权利。
The existence of voluntary arbitration power is advantages and disadvantages, its key is how to give full play to foundation stone on effective rule. 自由裁量权的存在有利有弊,关键在于如何进行有效的规制已发挥基食性作用。
In the paper, I locate the administrative power of permit from four parts of power existence theory, power-right theory, voluntary arbitration theory, procedure rule theory. 本文从权力存在论、权力&权利论、自由裁量论、程序规则论四个方面对行政许可权予以定位。
Arbitration agreement demonstrates the parties are voluntary to take advantage of the mode of arbitration to settle their disputer ( or differences) and is the basis of process of arbitration. 仲裁协议是表示当事人愿意以仲裁方式解决争议的契约,是仲裁得以进行的基础。
That voluntary practices by merchants were eventually permitted by laws demonstrates that the country supports the trade association arbitration, which is in compliance with requirements of national laws and the developing direction of the dispute resolution system. 商人自发形成的解决争议的实践最终得到法律的认可表明了国家对行业自治组织仲裁解决纠纷的支持,它符合国家法律的要求和争议解决制度的发展方向。